Additional Publications

Heninger, Lori. (2005). Conducting Qualitative Research in Countries at War: Implementation and Impact Factors in a Study of Girls in Armed Groups. City University Graduate Center: New York.

Heninger, Lori. (2005). “Education in Emergencies: Who is Doing What and Where?” Forced Migration Review. January, number 22.

Heninger, Lori. (2005). Falling Through the Cracks: Millions Missing Out on Education in Emergencies. New York: Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children.

Heninger, Lori. (2005). Preventing Terror does not Mean Giving the Sudanese Government Carte Blanche. New York Times. Letter to the Editor, May 7.

Heninger, Lori & Anderson, Allison. (2005). “Education vital in war zones.” Op-Ed, Taiwan News Online. Friday, September 9.

Heninger, Lori, Fargnoli, Andrew & Man, Joyce. (2005). “Education in Emergencies: Stories from the battlefields.” The InterDependent. Vol. 3 (2) Fall.

Heninger, Lori & McKenna, Megan. (2005). Don’t Forget Us: The Education and Gender-based Violence Protection Needs of Adolescent Girls from Darfur in Chad. New York: Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children.

Heninger, Lori & Perlman, Jenny. (2005) A Genocide Unfolds in Plain Sight. New York Times. Letter to the Editor, December 1.

Heninger, Lori & Swindler, Kelsey. (2008). “Health.” in Introducing Global Issues, Fourth Edition, ed. Michael T. Snarr and D. Neil Snarr. Lynne Reinner: Boulder Colorado.

Kirk, Jackie, Perlman, Jenny, Anderson, Allison & Heninger, Lori. (2006). Ensuring a Gender Perspective in Education in Emergencies.